Profile PictureJ.N. Garrett Art

Piano Doodlin'

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Piano Doodlin' music album. 16 total MP3 music tracks, about 49 minutes of music all together.

Album copyright is owned by Jennifer Garrett. Music composed, arranged, and recorded by Jennifer Garrett (also “J.N. Garrett ~ Art” and @jngarrettart). All songs are either melodies composed by Jennifer Garrett, or new arrangements of traditional pieces.

Quick summary, personal use is allowed; online sharing, AI, and commercial use are not.

This album is licensed to the user for private use. If you want to listen to it on your own device, or play it at a wedding, in a classroom, or in a nursing home, please go ahead. It may not be used by anyone except the copyright owner (or those to whom the copyright owner gives direct permission) for internet posts and videos. It may also not be used for commercial purposes, resold by itself, repackaged to buy with other items, or added to videos or albums that are intended for sale. Use of this album in AI generating models is strictly prohibited.

Track List:
01 Be Thou My Vision (Traditional)
02 Bre's Song
03 Piano Doodlin'
04 Waiting
05 The Water is Wide (Traditional)
06 Song from a Mountain Pass
07 Theme for a Fairy Tale
08 The Music Box
09 Autumn Road
10 Amazing Grace (Traditional)
11 Hope
12 Setting Sail
13 Dawning
14 Faith
15 In God's Heart
16 Be Thou My Vision (Variation, Traditional)


Thank you for purchasing a copy of this album! I hope you enjoy it.

~ Jennifer

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16 MP3 tracks, 1 album cover to use with the songs in your personal music library, 1 "Read Me" file

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Piano Doodlin'

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